Friday 18 January 2013

I do i miss them!

Assalamualaikum and hype><...

fuyoo!hari ni baru lia rase nk update my blog yg da bertikus+bersawang and so pemalas ni memang malas nak update..hikhok..hikhok..aha..

for the first post in 2013..i love to tell the world about my lovely girlprengsss and friendsss...this is K.A.M.I  story!i do i miss them..yess!lyke a princess waiting for her prince for a longggg year..macam tu lorh rindunye lia pada mereka...they are part of me..for 5 year we together and now..everyone had their own journey..same goes with me..i also have my own destiny..lia sangat kangennn donggg!bila kita maw berjumpa yaaa kawan2 gue?? (tetibe speaking indonn??)..Hahaha

Sometimes my tear drop when i remember about uolls..without any reason!..because my heart was owned by kami!here i show the world about k.a.m.i..ehehe

ni lepas semua org da ke destiny masing2..wee~~

taraaa!ni lorh girlprengss saye..kami..hikhok  

okay..mse ni ziqa baru dpt proud for her..berani bwak ke bp..ehehe..nk jumpe kami punye pasal.ehe..terharu

we had graduate on 2011!ahaha..i miss this moment!

okayyy...banyak lagi gambar..cerita..kenangan about k.a.m.i..ehehe..tapi..lia tak dapat nak post banyak2..sebab jari-jemariku sudah penat..ehehe..tapi..what i want to tell K.a.M.I..lia sangat sayang same awak2 semua!lia doakan kite semua berjaya dalam menggapai cita-cita..setiap langkah kite penuh kejayaan..keredhaan Allah sentiasa bersama-sama kite semua..InsyaAllah..ukhuwah persahabatan kite kekal hingga ke syurga...i do i love uolls..jage diri awak2 semua!chase our dream and never give up!

bye..that all fr today..insyaAllah lia update about my firends 'sahabat selamanya' pulokk nanti..ehehe..

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”
William Shakespeare

Assalamualaikum..kalau jawab sayanggg..kalau xjawab..pown sayanggg..ahahahaha.. ><..bubai..thanks for read this post yang merepek2 mcm kerepek..hikok..hikhokkk:)

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